The Proteomics Methods Forum is being organised in Sheffield on 14-15 September 2021.
We are pleased to announce that this year’s Proteomics Methods Forum (PMF) will be hosted by the University of Sheffield, in a collaborative effort between the Faculty of Science Mass Spectrometry Centre and the Faculty of Engineering Bioanalytical Facility. The meeting will be led by the combined vision of Dr Adelina E. Acosta Martin and Dr Caroline Evans. The PMF will be held online on Tuesday 14th and Wednesday 15th September 2021.
There will be a Core PMF (cPMF) meeting held prior to the main PMF meeting. The cPMF meeting will take place in the morning of the 14th September 2021 and will particularly focus on Core Facilities of Universities and will be an opportunity to discuss the unique issues that they and their staff face and that might have been exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic and Brexit.
During the PMF, the focus of the discussions is on developments in technology and user applications. We are looking forward to sharing what challenges and solutions the PMF community is engaged with in their day-to-day research life. Please, get in touch if you would like to give a presentation related to the following themes: (1) Core Facilities, (2) Sample preparation and automation, (3) Intact protein analysis, (4) Protein modification and structural analysis, (5) Quantification, or (6) Informatics and data management.
We are delighted to announce that our plenary speaker will be Prof Simona Francese from Sheffield Hallam University. She will talk to us about “Proteomics goes forensics”. If you want to know more about Simona, have a look at the following links:
We are aware of the challenges involved in getting the most of online events and therefore, we are designing a programme with plenty of opportunities for you to interact and engage with others throughout the conference. The programme can be found below.
As organisers of the PMF, we believe that diversity in all its forms delivers outcomes with greater impacts. Therefore, we aim to create an event that is inclusive and enables participants to contribute and interact with fairness of opportunities.
Attending the conference is free of charge, and you can register by clicking on the following link: We’re sorry but for the purposes of administration registration has now closed.
To contact us or if you have any questions, please email to or

Registration for this meeting has now closed.
Vendor participation request
One of the key elements of the PMF is the involvement of vendors to provide an overview of the latest state-of-the-art technological developments. In return, the sponsors have the opportunity to meet with delegates who actually work daily in the field of protein mass spectrometry and proteomics. As well as affording delegates an opportunity to network with one another, we deliberately provide opportunities to network with suppliers related to the field of protein mass spectrometry. If you are a vendor interested in attending this year’s PMF, please get in touch with either Dr Adelina E. Acosta Martin ( or Dr Caroline Evans (